
30 January 2015

Strange Angels???

Here we are back for another year - here's the first blog of the first sign ...

For Strange Angels We Give Thanks

We've all met them - those people who when you need a little help just show up. They usually look like the last person you'd expect to be helpful and yet are angels in disguise. They arrive unlooked for and leave just as quickly and yet they are undoubtably messengers from God.

Hairy bikers, tattooed ladies, dirty fishermen, all sorts of everyone - they can be anyone, anywhere.

So today we just give thanks for strange angels.

If you have ever met one leave a comment and tell us where.


  1. My son Griffin was riding through St Kilda on his motorcycle when the chain unexpectedly came off.

    A homeless man came over; said something about knowing a little bit about mechanics, and put the chain back on.

    Griffin thanked him and offered some money, a meal, drink, coffee etc; however, the man declined his offer and said he was just happy to be able to help someone.

    A smile and a handshake later, they were both on their way.

  2. Hi Sion.

    I had a friend Oliver die in 2009 in a motor bike accident.

    I then read this in the Herald Sun the day after he died.

    Just So You Know... Family of "Oliver" When your loved one lay upon the pavement riddled in pain take heart - he was not alone I held his head, and too his hand with tenderness gently wiped away his tears I spoke his name - words of comfort I know you'd have wanted him to hear reassuring those who cared were near Pride swelled inside for the strangers at the scene not just interested in the happenings or to be gawking but sharing in the cheers, for your son reassuring him - help was near He held on so bravely until MICA arrived upon the scene With you now in my thoughts prayers within my mind your image rests and though my eyes do not behold you Oliver - fight hard let God's mercy do the rest He was not alone - beloved family we held him and helped him as much as possible at the scene in the same manner I know you'd have given if it was my loved one laying there instead. Blessings to you Oliver I hope someday we can meet! Nurse Betsy (Please get this to his family so they know he was held with tenderness until the ambulance arrived.)



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