Meeting people from around our world. people with who we have much in common, others who see the world quite differently from us, all make a rich and interesting tapestry.
At a Vigil held in the city of Melbourne where I work, after a tragic incident to place, I observed a diversity not always appreciated. Mostly this is often as a result of ignorance, fear and mistrust of other.
Sitting after the vigil with a man, a complete stranger to me, we held hands we chatted about what we have in common.
He a Hindu and me a white anglo-saxon commonly known as 'a Christian".
Both affected by what had happened, both deeply moved by the service and both saying how at times like this we need each other.
While we do love 'our' country, and want it to 'be safe' and for some just like 'the good ol' days', we are called to love.
For those of us who claim to 'love God with all our heart, strength and mind' sometimes forget to love neighbour as self.
I don't expect its always easy, its not for me, so together lets strive to get it, who knows we may even look back one day and claim these were the 'good ol' day'!!
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