There is often discussion about speaking-preaching and being and doing.
IS one more vital than the other?
How many bible verses can we quote to each other to 'prove' our point??!!
One such writer suggest than often what we hear may soon be forgotten, which in no way throws doubt on the spoken word.
Perhaps its the human thing to do to justify our own position or calling?

He creates images which stay with you, and so reinforce what is being said.
He has been in recent days working with a large corporation as they transition into a new phase.
At one of the venues he was going out to get his morning coffee As he walked past the reception area, where the person who had put all the arrangements in place for the day, was sitting he simply asked if they would like a coffee too.
In 20 years working in that position this person had never been asked if they would like a coffee.
This became the talking point among the 100's attending his seminars.
Why? maybe because his actions reflected his words?
Over recent weeks my partner The Ruth and I have taken numerous wedding and funeral services.
After one funeral recently someone approached Ruth and commented that when we lead people through this times and as we sit and eat with them it brings calm and offers hope for the future.
So if you're not someone who gets to speak in public or you're the silent' type, don't be embarrassed , you're actions are important.
Maybe, just maybe, actions do speak louder than word??
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