This weekend it was announced by the Prime Minister that he wants to pass a law that says that anyone who has tried to come to Australia, illegally, by boat since 2013 will NEVER be allowed to enter the country. It is being done as a "sign to the people smugglers of how serious we are" about border protection. That's great , Mr Turnbull, but it's not the people smugglers who are being effected by this, its the little people desperate to find a new life away from tyranny and oppression - they won't find it here apparently. (Yes, I know that some of the boat people are trying to jump the queue and beat the system but the (documented) majority are trying to escape terrible lives. Just think, what would have to happen to you and your family to make you jump into a boat and risk your life? It's not a decision that most of the people make lightly.)
I was listening to the radio yesterday morning and a politician (I don't remember her name) confirmed to the interviewer that if someone has tried to come to Australia to seek asylum by boat, even if they are found to have a legitimate claim, they will not be allowed to enter the country EVER! My friend (who works for the United Nations as a lawyer) cannot work out how many U.N. statutes and Internation Laws this new law (if passed) will contravene. Where is our nation's compassion? Where is our love for our neighbour? When we will stop singing the National Anthem that says, in the second verse, "For those who've come across the seas, we've boundless plains to share"?
Please don't think I'm advocating that we do away with our immigration laws - I'm not. I went through the system to be allowed to live here, it was fair to me. I am questioning the fairness and justice of a law that contravenes many International laws and treaties for those legitimate people who have been so oppressed in their own country that they have had to make the difficult decision to flee and will be denied the right I have because of the way they travel; for many the boats are the only way they can get out. (And I'm very aware of the amazing privilege I have to be able to write this blog, granted to me because I do live in a 'free' country.)
The sign this week speaks of the Christian value of love - that love that Jesus speaks about and shows to others. To those who, in the eyes of the government of his time, didn't deserve love; to those that did him all manner of wrong; to those who oppressed him and, eventually, killed him.
This 'radical' love is what we, as Christians (I would say decent humans), should strive for; a self giving love that sees others as equals; a love (and a way of life) that doesn't judge the worth of others by what their job is, or where they come from.
Love one another because love is from God - to quote a book a read from time to time.

A very appropriate meme!
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