You could be forgiven for thinking that the US was the only place on Earth there was an election going on.
While the quality of candidates both here and there are about on par, you probable won't get wealthy business people from the US suggesting we need a dictator to step in, as we have here in Australia!!
At the very basic level you would hope our political leaders would be the voice of the voiceless and not the wealthy!!
Sure perhaps an enquiry into the union movement is needed, so is one into the banking and finance sector, sadly the issues with the bank/ finance sector are not seen as moral issues, only of the safe schools program or marriage equality are deemed to be the only 'moral' issues up for debate.
We ought to be providing housing for the homeless, shelter for the asylum seeker and support for those who have issues around their mental health.
Sadly these issues are left to smaller political parties with weird names.
So as we become further disillusioned with our politicians we sail towards a 'hung parliament'.
If we do have a 'Hung' Parliament lets hope its 'Well Hung"!!!
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