
28 June 2016

A true Christian path would lead them into the untidy stables of the poor and oppressed, to shovel shit with the Messiah. Instead they remain spiritually shipwrecked, floundering on the shoals of their own ambitions and indifference, slick and ridiculous in their genuflections to greed.
From B Cockburn: Rumours of Glory: on thoughts of Brennan Manning

Over the past seven weeks I have had time to read and reflect while a fractured ankle healed.

I read, listened to music and watched movies and documentaries.

I was challenged  as to how and why I do what i do as i loiter.

I was challenged  as to my  responsibility in the communities i live and move, so now I'm back on my feet, i need to implement the "KISS' method.......

                                                               KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!!!

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