
30 May 2016

Look at things differently

Look at things differently....

Why do so many Christians forget where this church thing all started? Why do we forget where we come from and who started all this?

It all started with a Jewish man who bucked all the social trends of his time. This man broke all conventions. You think I'm making this stuff up - Look at these examples

In a time when women where considered worthless (or even property in some cases) this man, Jesus, spent time with women; even Samaritan women, who Jewish people considered the lowest of the low.

Then there was the sinners - oh there were loads of them. The 'establishment' wanted nothing to do with them; Jesus spent the majority of his time with them. There was a man called Zac - he was a tax man for the invasion army. He was, to say the least, hated and yet Jesus had dinner with him - spent time with the worst of the worse.

The list goes on - lepers; prostitutes; the demon processed; the sick; collaborators with the authorities etc etc etc.

So with the example we have why do so many churches and so many Christians forget where we come from? Why do they (we) forget that Jesus walked and talked with 'all the wrong people' of his time? 

So here's the thing - we need to talk with and walk with 'all the wrong people' of our time. 

Now I'm not sure who they are where you are but here, at the Melbourne Welsh Church in Melbourne, Australia, all the wrong people might look homeless, or like refugees, or maybe gay, or different from us, or maybe the same as us - hey, maybe we're all the wrong people; maybe I'm all the wrong people and this Jesus guy wants to talk to me.

Now there's a terrible thought....

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