
29 September 2015

don't over anlalise

Do we over think stuff.

I'm all for contextualisation, tradition and orthodoxy not so much antinomianism, and I could impress with other big words.

Love you neighbour and your enemies, do good to those who harm you, love one another, seems straight forward to me. Some would argue that if you don't love neighbour and enemy you can't claim to love God,  preposterous I hear you say!!!

In a theological lecture some years ago, students suggested the need to believe in  literal 6 day creation, but warned against taking Jesus literally........really?????

So perhaps then the 'poor you will always have with you' really did mean Jesus was not concerned with marginalised, oppressed people???

PS I believe we are called to love all 'people groups"........I'm in deep trouble and have some serious work to do in that department, how are you faring????

1 comment:

  1. Don't want to say anything more. It is liable to bite me in the a..e soon enough.


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