
14 March 2015

Live like Jesus not like Christians

Live like Jesus not like Christians (please) -

You don't have to read very wide or very deeply around the idea of Church and Christianity before you come across some dirty laundry. I would venture to say that pretty much all of the stuff the church doesn't want aired is because someone (or some few) are not living like Jesus.

Look at some of the so called T.V. Evangelists - preying on the weak to grab as much cash as they can because, after all and let's be fair here, every minister needs a private plane or two to fulfil their potential as the messenger of God. I seem to have misplaced mine - I thought I'd left it on my yacht but obviously not, ah well it's only a few mill, I can just buy another one for my missionary work. Please send your cash to The usual address and I'll inscribe your name on the fuselage of my jet if you give more than $10,000.

Since I started to write this blog this article has come to my attention. (Update - after a major social media backlash the campaign has been taken down).

If you actually read your New Testament you will read about a guy called Jesus. He didn't have a plane or a car in fact he had to borrow a donkey to ride into Jerusalem.

Unfortunately many of us 'Christians' seem to have forgotten about what this Jesus guy actually did and what he actually said. If we did things might be very different - or at least the church would be!

We wouldn't want planes, we actually shouldn't want planes, we should want to use the $65million to feed the hungry, to help the poor, to do what Jesus would have done. (Which in my view would not be jet setting in a multi - million dollar plane around the country and world for, what is essentially, self glorification thinly disguised as doing God's work.)

That of course is not the only problem with the Church and Christianity. Among many others there  are many splits and rifts which many people take as signs of disunity; there are the disturbing incidents of child abuse that are intolerable in any area of society but even more so in a body whose leader blesses the little children for, as he says, the Kingdom of God belongs to such as them; there are the hate gangs that call themselves Churches - Westbro Baptists (who hate everyone it seems), various racist congregations (who hate those who don't have the same colour skin as them), rich churches (who hate the poor) and poor churches (that hate the rich) and so the list goes on.

I urge you all to go and read the New Testament, (start with the Gospel of Mark, it's nice and short) to see who this Jesus guy was, what he did and what he would want us to do.

But remember this.....

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