
23 November 2014

Kindness - a universal language

We were very privileged today to have Father Bob MacGuire talk to us at church. He is a true Melbourne hero - for those of you who don’t know who he is here is a little about him.

Father Bob really speaks the language of kindness and has been speaking it, practically, for over 40 years. He was inspirational at church today reminding us (in his own special and unique way) what church is really about. He told us that we, who wear the name of Christ, also bear his cross. That by saying we are Christian we are committing ourselves to a path that involves loving others and that can be hard sometimes. In the words of Professor Dumbeldore, 

“It’s the choice between the easy way and the right way.”

We read the end of Matthew 25 this morning - sheep, goats, hungry, naked, prisoners etc. and Father Bob reminded us that by reading it, saying our “Amen” at the end we commit ourselves to seeing the hungry and feeding them, seeing the thirsty and giving them a drink, inviting in the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick and visiting the imprisoned. Whoever they may be.

We have a mammoth task ahead of us. 

Father Bob has being doing it for 40 years and he has only just scratched the surface of what is needed.

Thank you Father Bob - for all you do. We will continue to pray for you as we strive to follow Christ’s example that we see in your work.

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