
27 October 2014

When all is said and done - there is more said than done!

We are all very good at talking. Especially us religious types. In churches we do like to sit around and talk about things....a lot. 

We discuss...

How terrible the state of the world is. 

How awful it is that there are homeless people sleeping on our streets.

How can we get more people into church?

Are we relevant to the problems of the world? 

Etcetera etcetera...

But when all is said and done, there is more said than done.

presence minister, Bubba, said that to me a few weeks ago. It would make a good sign of the week he said.

He walks the streets of Melbourne, sees the needs on our streets, meets the homeless and outcasts, talks to anyone and everyone and spreads as much of the love and grace of God as he can.

I'm sure it frustrates him as much as it does me to see all that need and to see people taking that need to another committee to discuss what can be done about it. 

The city council discusses them, the state parliament discusses them, the federal government discuss them, the religious types of church and mosque and synagogue and temple discuss them and a few forego the talking and go out and get their hands dirty, helping those around.

Those few will not change the world, will not solve all the problems but they will change the lives of one or two - who will change the lives of one or tow who will.....

Surely that is what the gospel is all about!

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