
1 May 2013

Scotland's national animal


Goggle "Scotland's national animal." Go on. Do it.

Thanks to @rev_david for tweeting this.

Now I was going to do a long blog on the mystical person of God and how we see him and understand him. I have even been given a great quote from the play Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead to illustrate this.

But why? Why do we have to be serious all the time? - let's relax for a while, goggle Scotland's national animal and have a little laugh.

After all God has a sense of humour (he ordained me, what more proof do you need?) so why shouldn't we enjoy a little giggle now and again?

So off you go, google Scotland's national animal and smile for a while. It'll bring you a little closer to God, for he smiles on you all the time, whether you know or not.


  1. Makes sense to me. But then again i once saw a leprechaun :).

  2. Me too, but it was on late on a Saturday night. It may just have been a gnome!

  3. I came across this same fact googling! If you are interested to read more about it, check out this mini-article about Scotland's national animal:


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